Increase engagement and community involvement in your project!
Whether you want to start a group, join a group, canvas your community for input, become a member or get inspired! ROI Connect was created just for you!

A meeting of the minds
Welcome to the Rural Ontario Institute’s new engagement platform, an exciting new online gathering place for rural Ontarians. ROI Connect is a place for rural folks to connect, collaborate, inspire and create! A meeting place where ideas are born, change is inspired, new connections made and community voice is celebrated!
A gathering place
- Create or join a group
- Discuss issues of importance to your community
- Discover opportunities for collaboration
- Build knowledge resources
- Canvas your Community for input
- Mobilize change in your community
- Celebrate successes
Not a member yet?
ROI is pleased to announce Class 20 of the Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP). This program is an 18-month experiential executive leadership program for those who want to shape the future of the agriculture and food industry and make a positive difference in rural communities across Ontario.
Rural Housing System
The Rural Ontario Institute (ROI), Eastern Ontario Wardens’ Caucus (EOWC) and IT firm, Itergy, are partnering to address a housing shortfall in Eastern Ontario through the creation of an innovative digital tool that will support municipalities in the planning and construction of new affordable housing.
Rural Change Makers
ROI is excited to announce the official launch of the 3rd Rural Change Makers program. Up to 36 motivated young adults, between the ages of 18-35, have been selected from across Ontario to mobilize action around issues important to their communities. Together these leaders will begin their learning journey.
Have a community project you want to share? ROI Connect can help you reach farther into your community and connect with the people and priorities that matter most.
We invite you to get in touch with us about becoming a partner!
Register to join the community as a member!
After registering you will receive a confirmation email verifying your account. Once your account is verified and approved by site administrators you can access the site and enjoy the full benefits of free membership. As a member we encourage you to explore our community groups and and other members. You can immediately create and customize your profile to share information about you, your community work and even your portfolio and social networks. You can create and join groups and contribute to community discussion forums.
Your membership can also be elevated to be a contributor to the site and begin sharing community events, blog stories and even create your own Community Project pages, groups and forums. Get in touch with us if you would like to become a contributor to the community and we would be happy to enhance your use of ROI Connect.
Go ahead and get involved! Get Inspired! Make new connections!
Interested in sharing a community project? We invite you to share your project details with us and become a community partner. Learn more