Daisy Mckay joined the group Rural Change Makers
Tawanda Allen Mandevhana joined the group Rural Change Makers
Kisha Kakegamic joined the group Rural Change Makers
Mahbuba Airin joined the group Rural Change Makers
Gs Gill joined the group Rural Change Makers
Kelsey Randhawa joined the group Rural Change Makers
Phyllis Agyemang joined the group Rural Change Makers
Gabrielle Ferguson joined the group Rural Change Makers
Qamar Zaman joined the group Rural Change Makers
Website Administrator started the topic Ignite 2022 in the forum Rural Change Makers 2021-22
Such a pleasure to spend time with our 2022 Rural Change Makers at the Ignite event in North Bay this May 2022. It was a joy to share your vision, goals and dreams of change in your rural communities.
Ignite 2022 Video -
Such a pleasure to spend time together at the 2022 Ignite Event! It was a joy sharing your vision, goals and dreams for change in your rural communities!
Brianna Pitt joined the group Rural Change Makers
Sampoorna Bhattacharya joined the group Rural Change Makers