Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program
The Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program (AALP) is an 18-month experiential executive leadership program for those who want to shape the future of the agriculture and food industry and make a positive difference in rural communities across Ontario.
Each Advanced Agricultural Leadership Program Class is created with attention to the diversity of participants. Participants are chosen so that peer-to-peer mentorship, interrelationships and a broad network are developed. Class participants are chosen for their different backgrounds, offering unique viewpoints and enabling thought-provoking, balanced discussion of critical issues.
The curriculum includes a series of seminars, study tours – North American and international – and small group issues analysis projects for agriculture, food and rural community clients.
Read more about current AALP Class participants here.
Issues Analysis Project (IAP)
AALP Class participants add to their “toolbox of skills” by completing an Issues Analysis Project (IAP). The IAP is an action-based leadership project within the agriculture, agri-food and rural sectors in Ontario.
Social and Economic Return on Investment. 2013. George Morris Centre.
AALP Evaluation Study. 2012. School of Environmental Design and Rural Development, University of Guelph.
Who's Listening
Brianna Pitt
Communications Coordinator
AALP Class 19 Timeline
July 3-6
Seminar 4 - Sarnia/Chatham
Problem solving style, Communication and Effectiveness
July 22 - Aug. 6
Study Tour
Understanding Canadian/American Relations
Sept. 18-22
Seminar 5, Thunder Bay
Strategic, Financial and Organizational Abilities
Nov. 13-16
Seminar 6 - Ottawa
Federal Government; Globalization & Trade
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